Reaction of copper sulfate with water

1. Deliquescence is a physical change or a physical change? Deliquescence is a physical change.

Some crystals can consciously absorb water vapor in the air. Copper sulfate gradually forms a saturated solution on the surface of their solids. If the water vapor pressure is lower than the water vapor pressure in the air, the equilibrium proceeds toward the direction of deliquescence, and the water molecules are directed to the substance. Appearance movement. This representation is called deliquescence.

2. What is the reaction between copper sulfate and water?

Copper sulfate reacts with water. Generate crystals. Is a chemical change

When the copper sulfate crystal is dissolved in water, is there any chemical change? The molecules in the solution are copper sulfate molecules and water molecules, and are still copper sulfate crystal molecules and water molecules?

Chemical changes, copper sulfate molecules and water molecules

In addition, there should be only the shape of ions in the water.

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