Copper oxide powder is one of the earliest discovered ancient metals. Humans began to use copper oxide powder more than 3,000 years ago. The copper oxide powder in nature is divided into natural copper oxide powder, oxidized copper oxide powder ore and sulfurized copper oxide powder ore. Natural copper oxide powder and oxidized copper oxide powder have low reserves. Now more than 80% of the world’s copper oxide powder is refined from sulfurized copper oxide ore. This ore contains very low levels of copper oxide powder, generally 2-3 %about. Metal oxide copper powder, element symbol CU, atomic weight 63.54, specific gravity 8.92, melting point 1083Co. Pure copper oxide powder is light rose or reddish. Copper oxide powder has many valuable physicochemical properties, such as high thermal conductivity, strong chemical stability, high tensile strength, easy fusion, corrosion resistance, plasticity, and ductility. Pure copper oxide powder can be pulled into very fine copper oxide fans to make a very thin copper oxide powder foil. It can form alloys with metals such as zinc, tin, lead, manganese, cobalt, nickel, aluminum, iron, etc. The alloys formed are mainly divided into three categories: yellow copper oxide powder is copper oxide powder zinc alloy, and green copper oxide powder is copper oxide powder tin. Alloy, white copper oxide powder is copper oxide powder cobalt nickel alloy.