Smelting Of Copper Oxide Powder

The copper oxide powder ore mined from the copper oxide powder ore is subjected to beneficiation to become a copper oxide powder concentrate with a high grade of copper oxide powder or a copper oxide powder ore. The copper oxide powder concentrate needs to be refined and refined to become Fine copper oxide powder and copper oxide powder products.

A. Processing of copper oxide powder ore

The copper oxide powder used in the industry includes electrolytic copper oxide powder (containing 99.9% to 99.95% of copper oxide powder) and fine copper oxide powder (containing 99.0% to 99.7% of copper oxide powder). The former is used in the electrical industry for the manufacture of special alloys, wires and wires. The latter is used to make other alloys, copper oxide powder tubes, copper oxide powder sheets, shafts, and the like.

a. Classification and properties of copper oxide ore:

The raw material for the copper oxide powder is copper oxide powder ore. Copper oxide powder ore can be divided into three categories:

(1) Sulphide ore, such as yellow copper oxide powder ore (CuFeS2), spot copper oxide powder ore (Cu5FeS4) and copper oxide powder ore (Cu2S).

(2) Oxidized ore, such as red copper oxide ore (Cu2O), malachite [CuCO3Cu(OH)2], blue copper oxide ore [2CuCO3Cu(OH)2], and chrysocolla (CuSiO32H2O).

(3) Natural copper oxide powder. The content of copper oxide powder in the copper oxide powder ore is about 1% (0.5% to 3%), which is valuable because the flotation method can remove some impurities such as gangue in the ore and obtain the amount of copper oxide powder. Higher (8% to 35%) concentrate sand.

b. The smelting process of copper oxide powder ore:

The process of smelting copper oxide powder from copper oxide powder ore is complicated. Taking yellow copper oxide powder ore as an example, firstly, concentrate sand, flux (limestone, sand, etc.) and fuel (coke, charcoal or anthracite) are mixed and put into a “closed” blast furnace, and smelting is performed at about 1000 °C. Therefore, a part of the sulfur in the ore becomes SO2 (used to produce sulfuric acid), and most of the impurities such as arsenic and antimony are removed as volatile substances such as AS2O3 and Sb2O3: 2CuFeS2+O2=Cu2S+2FeS+SO2↑. A portion of the iron sulfide is converted to an oxide: 2FeS + 3O2 = 2FeO + 2SO2 ↑. Cu2S is melted together with the remaining FeS to form “ice copper oxide powder” (mainly formed by the mutual dissolution of Cu2S and FeS, its copper oxide powder ratio is between 20% and 50%, and the sulfur content is 23 Between % and 27%), FeO forms slag with SiO2: FeO+SiO2=FeSiO3. The slag floats on top of the molten ice copper oxide powder and is easily separated to remove a part of the impurities. Then, the ice copper oxide powder was transferred into a converter, and a flux (quartz sand) was added, and then air was blown in for blowing (1100 to 1300 ° C). Since iron has a greater affinity for oxygen than copper oxide powder, and copper oxide powder has a greater affinity than iron for sulfur, the FeS in the ice copper oxide powder is first converted into FeO, combined with flux to form slag, and then Cu2S is It is converted into Cu2O, and Cu2O reacts with Cu2S to form coarse copper oxide powder (containing about 98.5% of copper oxide powder). 2Cu2S+3O2=2Cu2O+2SO2↑, 2Cu2O+Cu2S=6Cu+SO2↑, then transfer the coarse copper oxide powder into the reverberatory furnace, add the flux (quartz sand), pass air, oxidize the impurities in the crude copper oxide powder, and form the slag with the flux. Remove. After the impurities are removed to a certain extent, heavy oil is injected, and the reducing gas such as carbon monoxide generated by the combustion of the heavy oil reduces the copper oxide oxide powder to copper oxide powder at a high temperature. The obtained refined copper oxide powder contained about 99.7% of copper oxide powder.

B. Smelting process of copper oxide powder

The development of copper oxide powder metallurgy technology has gone through a long process, but so far the smelting of copper oxide powder is still dominated by fire rule-making, and its output accounts for about 85% of the total production of copper oxide powder in the world. The modern wet smelting technology is Gradually promoted, the introduction of wet smelting greatly reduced the smelting cost of copper oxide powder. Fire smelting and wet smelting (SX-EX).

a. Fire method copper oxide powder:

The cathode copper oxide powder, that is, the electrolytic copper oxide powder, is produced by melt smelting and electrolytic fine smelting, and is generally suitable for high-grade sulfurized copper oxide powder ore. Pyrometallurgical smelting generally firstly increases the raw ore containing a few percent or a few thousandth of the copper oxide powder by mineral processing to 20-30%, as a copper oxide powder concentrate, in a closed blast furnace, a reverberatory furnace, an electric furnace or a flash The quick furnace performs smelting and melting, and the produced smelting (ice copper oxide powder) is then sent to a converter for blowing into a crude copper oxide powder, and then oxidized and refined in another reverberatory furnace, or cast into an anode plate. Electrolysis was carried out to obtain electrolytic copper oxide powder having a grade of up to 99.9%. The process is short and adaptable, and the recovery rate of copper oxide powder can reach 95%. However, the sulfur in the ore is discharged as sulfur dioxide exhaust gas in the two stages of smelting and blowing, which is difficult to recycle and easily causes pollution. In recent years, there have been melting pools such as the silver method and the Noranda method.

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