Manufacturer In China
High chemical activity and excellent catalytic and photocatalytic activity
Full Certification Zinc Oxide Powder
The oxides and powders manufactured by Kunshan Yosoar are known for their quality throughout the world. Kunshan Yosoar is a company that has maintained its name in the market of powder manufacturers. The company has indeed become a symbol of trust and excellence. It is surely one of the most prominent as well as biggest metal powder suppliers in China. You can get zinc oxide powder from the company and the powder would be of high quality without any kind of impurity in it.
The team of professionals and experts can also guide you regarding to the usages and applications of the zinc oxide. The company has an aim to provide the best services to the customers.
It is a white powder and also an oxide, which is difficult to dissolve in water.
It will easily turn yellow when heated, and will return to white when cooled.
Zinc oxide is tasteless and soluble in acids and strong alkalis.
Zinc oxide is an additive used in the chemical industry and is used in many applications.
Zinc oxide can generally also be present in the natural mineral zinc ore, but most of the zinc oxide is also synthesized.
It can be used to make sunscreen, soothe the skin, relieve irritation, and be used as a foundation material.
Used In Cosmetics
Zinc oxide can be used in cosmetics. Zinc oxide can have a “surface effect” when used in cosmetics. Under sunlight, it can automatically decompose negatively charged electrons that move automatically, and it can also leave positively charged holes.
This cavity can activate the oxygen in the air to become active oxygen, which can react with organic compounds to kill viruses and germs.

Used In Coatings
Zinc oxide can be used in coatings. Special zinc oxide for coatings can be used, preferably nano-sized, because nano-sized will be more honorable when dispersed in the coating system, and it can also form a uniform and highly dispersed dispersion system. Can play a very good role in functional modification.
It can be widely used in high-end water-based inks, paints, and coatings, which can improve the coloring power and hiding power of the product, thereby improving the aging resistance and UV resistance of the product.
Used In Antibacterial
Zinc oxide has a strong antibacterial property, regardless of its concentration or specific surface area, it will affect the antibacterial ability.
Zinc oxide is a kind of semiconductor oxide, which has a strong photocatalytic effect, and the antibacterial effect can be applied under the conditions of light. In the absence of light, zinc oxide can have a super antibacterial effect on Bacillus subtilis.

Yosoar: Zinc Oxide Powder Supplier in China
Kunshan Yosoar is indeed a famous and a successful powder manufacturer in China. The popularity of the company is not only limited to China but it is a widely known company for the quality products and powders that it manufactures. The company has got the certification for high quality management and production system by the ISO9001. The company can provide you with some high-quality zinc oxide powder. The zinc oxide powder by Kunshan Yosoar is absolutely pure and will definitely be of the highest quality. The zinc oxide can be utilized in the production of cosmetic products and skin care products as well. You can also use this zinc oxide in paints like additives. Another important application and usage of this zinc oxide is in the rubber industry. The zinc oxide powder by Kunshan Yosoar can also be used in this regard.
At Kunshan Yosoar, you can get highest quality of zinc oxide that will be suitable for your required needs. You can indeed use this high-quality product in any related field you want.
- Certification
- Manufacturing
Model of Zinc Oxide
If we firstly talk about the zinc oxide, then as the name suggests that this is the powder form of zinc oxide. This zinc oxide basically appears in the form of a white powder and the facts about this white powder is that this specific powder is insoluble in water. Further, if we consider the natural occurrence of this zinc oxide, then in nature it is present in the form of a mineral. So, this mineral form of zinc oxide is called as the zincite. But although this compound is present naturally but still, it is not feasible to extract it, and therefore because of this, the compound is mostly prepared and synthesized in laboratories etc.
Now, as far as being organic or inorganic is concerned, then this specific zinc oxide compound is inorganic in its nature. Apart from being inorganic, this compound also belongs to the semiconductor group and it is indeed one of the semiconductors having a comparatively wide band gap.
Zinc oxide power has some of the other names as well. For instance, this compound is also called as the zinc white, philosopher’s wool or calamine. Apart from these names, the Chinese white is also another name of this compound as well.
Well, if we consider this powder, then the zinc oxide occurs in the form of a white powder and this specific powder has indeed got many applications and usages as well. But if we consider some specific fields that makes use of this compound on a large scale, then the zinc oxide is mostly used in the field of cosmetics. Because in this related field, the zinc oxide is actually used as an additive. However, the use of this compound or powder is not only limited to the cosmetics field only, this compound or powder is also used in a large variety of other fields as well. Such as this powder is also used in the food supplements and other related products as well. It has usage and applications in the food products as well such as this compound is used as pigment in some foods. Further, this powder is also used in the overall manufacturing and synthesis of rubber and plastic as well as glass, enamel and ceramics. So, these fields and related industries also make use of zinc oxide powder. Zinc oxide also serves as the key component of some batteries as well. It also acts as a component of different types of paints and adhesives as well.
Indeed, we can say that the zinc oxide that is actually present in a white powder form has a huge number of applications and usages in a large number of fields and industries.
This zinc oxide has numerous applications and usages and this is indeed because of the characteristics and properties that this specific compound has. This zinc oxide is actually so much widely used and applied in different fields only because of the properties that it has. These properties basically enable this zinc oxide powder to be utilized in different fields. If we also consider some of the properties and characteristics of this specific powder, then the zinc white powder has a wide band gap and because of this, it acts as a semiconductor. Further, it also has electron mobility and motion as well. Because of this aspect, the overall application of zinc oxide nanoparticles is also included in the batteries and their related fields. Furthermore, this zinc white also has a relatively good transparency when it is compared to other related compounds and powders. And because of this transparency property, this compound acts as a main ingredient of transparent electrodes as well as the displays including liquid crystals in them. Further, another important aspect of this zinc white is that it has a comparatively larger luminescence at room temperature and because of this feature and property, the zinc oxide has applications and usages in the field of electronics as well.
So, these are some of the main and overall applications of the zinc white powder based in the properties and characteristics that this powder has. These amazing and excellent properties of this powder enable it to be used for a large variety of purposes.
Indeed, this zinc oxide has been used since years and its one of the major applications of that time was about it being used for sun protection. This zinc oxide has also been in use for a comparatively longer time period as a skin care product and especially regarding to the use for protection from sun.
Based on this earlier use of this compound or powder for the sun protection, researches have been done on it and later on, because of various researches conducted on it, this specific compound is now being widely used in the lineup of makeup products and powders etc. It has also got applications in the skin care products as well. So, these are the basic and general applications of this zinc white powder based on its prior use for sun protection.
Firstly, if we consider the chemical formula of this zinc oxide compound, then as it is an oxide of the zinc metal, therefore, the basic or molecular formula of this compound is represented through the symbol of zno nanoparticles. This ZnO representation is used to identify and represent zinc oxide.
Now, if we take into consideration the name of this zinc oxide, then this specific powder has some other names as well based on its properties or either usage etc. This compound has been named differently in different regions and this might be mainly because of the aspects or the characteristics of this compound or powder. So, this zinc oxide is also called as the zinc white powder or the Chinese white. Further, calamine and the philosopher’s wool are also the name of this very same powder. So, these are the related names of the same zinc oxide. All these names basically refer or identify the same thing.
Now, referring to the overall appearance of this substance or compound, then this zinc oxide actually has a powdery appearance. So, mostly when synthesized, this oxide of zinc is present in a powder form.
If we consider the molecular formula of this zinc white powder, then as already discussed that this compound has the basic molecular formula of ZnO. This ZnO is actually the most basic representation that is indeed used to represent this compound. Further, this ZnO is actually an inorganic compound that is not soluble when water acts as a solvent. Now, regarding to the molecular weight of this inorganic compound, then this compound has a molecular weight which is almost equal to 81.38 g/mol. This molecular weight of nano zinc oxide that equals to 81.4 g/mol is also called as the molar mass of this compound as well.
Another important aspect of any chemical is regarding to its odor. There are various chemicals comprising of prominent odor while there are many without any specific kind of odor. This odor of any chemical actually helps an individual to actually identify that specific chemical. But if we consider the odor of this Chinese white powder, then this powder doesn’t have a specific odor. This implies that the ZnO is basically an odorless compound or powder. This ZnO has a white appearance without any odor.
Well, if we firstly take a look at the density of this zinc oxide powder, then this powder has basically a density of about 5.606 g/cm³. So, this is the general density of the zinc white powder. This can also be termed in the kilogram and meter values as well, so, the density of this compound in these units would be 5606 kg/m³.
Now, if we refer to the solubility trend of this zinc white powder that is also called as the Chinese white powder, then this ZnO is actually insoluble in water. If we were to look at the numerical or percentage value regarding to this solubility, then at a normal temperature that might range in between 17°C to 18°C, this zinc oxide is approximately 0.0004% soluble in water. This percentage value indeed tells us that how much insoluble is zinc oxide in water. It is indeed insoluble in water. Further, if we consider the solubility of this compound in acids and bases, then indeed this powder is soluble in dilute acids and bases. For instance, this ZnO is soluble in hydrochloric acid.
So, this is the general trend regarding to the solubility of ZnO powder.
Firstly, considering the melting point of this, then this powder has a melting point of about 1975°C. This is the usual melting point of this oxide of zinc. Further, if we consider this value of melting point in the Fahrenheit scale, then the melting point in Fahrenheit scale of this ZnO is almost equal to 3587°F. So, this was the melting point of zinc white powder in Celsius and Fahrenheit scale values.
Now, referring to the boiling point value of this, then this zinc white powder has a boiling point that is almost equal to 2360°C. This value is the boiling point of ZnO according to the Celsius scale. Further, if we see or consider this value in the Fahrenheit scale, then this compound has a boiling point that equals almost to the 4280°F. So, these were the boiling point values of ZnO powder accordingly to the Celsius and Fahrenheit scale.
Further, indeed the melting point of the zinc oxide powder is very high. This zinc oxide is actually an inorganic compound and has got an extremely high melting point that equals 1975°C. Another important aspect about this melting temperature or melting point of this compound is that at this temperature, this ZnO even decomposes.
If we talk about the zinc oxide powder, then this compound has a basic molecular formula of ZnO. This ZnO is the basic representation of the zinc oxide and it actually depicts the presence of zinc and oxygen. Further, this oxide of zinc has a molecular weight that equals to 81.37 g/mol. This is also referred to as being the molar mass of this compound. Further, if we take into account the form of this compound, then natural it occurs as a white solid and in the mineral form, it is called as the zincite. But occupying its natural form or mineral is not that much feasible, so this compound is produced synthetically. And im this form, it occurs to be a white powdered substance.
Also, this ZnO has am extremely high melting point that equals to 1975°C while the boiling point is around 2360°C. The density of this zinc white powder is almost equal to 5606 kg/m³. Furthermore, this compound or powder of zinc oxide does not have any kind of odor.
So, these are some of the chemical aspects and properties of the zinc oxide.
Well, as already discussed that there are variety of names used for the same thing or compound. Zinc oxide also has a few names that are different from each other but still, they all depict and identify the same compound that is zinc oxide. For instance, the zinc oxide is also called as the zinc white powder or the Chinese white powder. Calamine is also a name that is used for the same compound. Same is the case with this Oxozinc. This Oxozinc is the IUPAC name of the zinc oxide. Therefore, it is simply another name for the same compound, that is, zinc oxide.
Indeed, the zinc oxide is actually one of the widely used metal powders. This powder or compound has some amazing properties and characteristics. This zinc oxide has some excellent features that enable its wide range of uses in different fields. If we actually take into consideration the industry that makes most of the use of this zinc oxide powder, then this industry is the rubber industry. Almost all of the zinc oxide that is utilized in different fields, an average of 50% of this zinc oxide is utilized in the rubber industry. The rubber industry is the biggest user of this oxide. Rubber basically undergoes through the vulcanizing process and in case of this vulcanizing process, zinc oxide is a necessary component. This ZnO is used along with an acid called as the stearic acid. Then after the vulcanization process, the rubber is used in order to form tires, shoes and other rubber products. But the thing is that ZnO has wide applications and is mostly used in rubber industry.
Furthermore, the ZnO powder is also used in different cells and batteries. This is also used as a buffer layer. Its use is not only limited to these fields, rather the zinc oxide is also used in the construction related field as well. For instance, the zinc oxide is utilized in the manufacturing of concrete that is used in construction. It basically assists in the overall processing of this concrete. Further, the health related fields also make use of zinc oxide powder. As already stated, that this powder has amazing properties out of which it also has the antibacterial properties. Because of these properties, the ZnO is also used for various kind of antibacterial applications as well.
So, these are some of the industries that make use of zinc oxide powder.
It just looks like that zinc oxide has applications in a vast variety of fields. We have already discussed that most of the zinc oxide powder is utilized in the rubber industry. This is because of the vulcanizing process. It is basically utilized in this process along with stearic acid. So, almost 50% of this zinc oxide is used in rubber industry. Apart from this, zinc oxide powder has other applications as well. Such as this zinc oxide powder is used in the manufacturing of cigarette filters, also used in paints as a pigment and coating as well. Then further, this zinc oxide powder also has numerous usages and applications in the electrical field as well. It is used for the production and synthesis of zinc oxide nanowires and even in the manufacturing of laser diodes and LEDs as well. So, all of these fields make use of this zinc oxide powder.
Zinc oxide is also widely used in the synthesis and manufacturing of cosmetic and skin care products as well. It is indeed one of the most popular ingredients of these products that are related to skin care. If we consider the usage of this zinc oxide in different cosmetic products, then it is indeed widely used in makeup, baby lotions and products related to nails. Further, different kind of baby soaps and other types of powders are also manufactured using this very zinc oxide powder. Further, the use of the zinc oxide powder is not only limited to these skin enhancing products, rather this zinc oxide powder is also used in products that are made to protect the skin as well. For instance, the zinc oxide is used in various kinds of skin protectants as well. It is used in different products that are manufactured to cure skin rashes and especially rashes that are caused by diapers. Furthermore, various kind of sunscreens also utilize this zinc oxide.
So, these are some of the applications and usages of the zinc oxide powder related to the cosmetic and skin care products.
Indeed, we manufacture zinc oxide powder at Kunshan Yosoar. The zinc oxide that we manufacture at Kunshan Yosoar is absolutely pure. This specific powder is free from impurities. You can even ask for a sample to verify our products. We manufacture high quality of zinc oxide that you can use for your required purposes. Further, our staff and professionals can also guide you about these specific zinc oxide powders and their applications and usages as well.
Further, the zinc oxide powder that is manufactured in our labs is 99.8% pure. Our main aim is to provide our customers with the best services and products.