Different Sizes and Morphologies Dendritic Copper Powder Manufacturer
The company has surely become one of the topmost rated companies regarding metal manufacturers. The products manufactured by the company have extremely high quality and if you consider the purity of these products, then these are absolutely pure. The dendritic copper powder manufactured at Kunshan Yosoar can be utilized in various fields and industries effectively.
It can be prepared by electrolysis process and then processed further.
Choose suitable raw materials for processing and get good products.
Dendritic copper powder is divided into water atomization method and gas atomization method.
It can inactivate and sterilize E. coli cells, and can be used for water treatment or as an antibacterial agent.
Store in a cool and ventilated warehouse, away from fire and flammable and explosive materials.
Used in catalyst
Because the particle size of the copper powder is relatively fine, the distribution is relatively uniform, and the specific surface activity is large. Through these advantages, it can be used to make high-quality catalysts.
For example, it can be used in the purification of automobile exhaust. Copper powder can be used as a catalyst to replace the precious metals platinum and nails, so that carbon monoxide is converted to carbon dioxide. It has high catalytic activity and can get good results when used.

Used in MLCC inner electrode
As one of the more important electronic components in the installation circuit, MLCC is connected by a single-layer capacitor superposition method, which is mainly composed of dielectric materials, internal electrodes, and terminal electrodes.
Because copper has the advantages of small resistivity, low electromigration speed and low price, it can be used as an internal electrode, but it also has certain shortcomings. It has a lively chemical property and is easy to oxidize in the air, so it must be used with good dispersibility and uniform particle size. Ultrafine copper powder prepared by phase reduction method.
Used in conductive coating
With the progress and development of modern science and technology, conductive coatings are a kind of functional coatings that develop relatively rapidly, which can be widely used in many fields such as electronics, aviation, chemical industry, military and so on. Especially in electronic equipment.
The development of the electronics industry has led to the development of electronic products, and there is also a certain degree of electromagnetic interference. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a layer of paint on electronic products to resist electromagnetic interference. Copper powder is the best choice because of its low price and easy-to-obtain materials. It can also be mixed with silver powder and has been well developed.

Yosoar: Your Reliable Copper Powder Supplier in China
Kunshan Yosoar has established its name in the market of metal powder manufacturers. The company has further maintained its reputation in the respective field as well and all of this had been possible because of persistency and excellence. The company manufactures high-quality and absolutely pure powders that have no match regarding its quality. The products by Kunshan Yosoar are a symbol of excellence and high quality. The company also provides its user with high-quality dendritic copper powder. This dendritic copper powder is absolutely pure and further, it can be utilized in a number of industries. It has applications in the manufacturing of bearings and machinery parts. It is also utilized in the production and synthesis of carbon bearings. The company manufactures excellent quality dendritic copper powder that you can use in electronic products as well. The production management system of the company is of high quality and has been verified as well as certified by ISO9001.
Kunshan Yosoar also has a team of professionals that check and verify each and every batch of the product, making it sure that the customers get high-quality products that are absolutely pure. These professionals and experts can also guide you regarding the applications of the dendritic copper powder as well.
- Manufacturing
- Certification
Yosoar’s regular copper powder models:
As we do know that copper powder as the name indicates is a kind of metallic powder. This is the powder form of the copper metal. Further, these forms of metal powders can have particles that possess different kinds of shapes and structures. Based on these shapes and structures or even their production methods, we name them differently. In case of this dendritic copper powder, the name itself depicts that it is actually referred to a copper powder that basically consists of particles having dendritic shape and structure. The overall particles of this copper powder possess a kind of unique dendritic appearance. One important aspect of such appearance is that because of such appearance and structure, the powder offers a relatively low density and high surface area. This is usually because of the particles structure that is present in them.
Therefore, the term dendritic basically depicts the shape and structure of the particles of this copper powder. While referring this term to metallurgy, the term dendritic actually depicts and characterizes a shape of a crystal that resembles to the shape of tree like structure. So, the dendritic copper powder has particles that have shapes of crystals similar to tree like structures or often called as dendrites.
The dendritic copper powder has indeed got another name as well. This copper powder having dendritic particle’s structure is remembered by another name as well and it is called as the electrolytic copper powder. If we take into consideration that why this dendritic copper powder is also called as the electrolytic copper powder, then the main reason behind this phenomenon is regarding to the synthesis of such copper powder. This dendritic copper powder is basically manufactured and produced by using a method known as the electrolytic method. So, based on this production process, the dendritic copper powder is also given the name of electrolytic copper powder as well.
So, the other name for the copper powder is electrolytic copper powder and it is basically called by this term because of the production process of this copper powder.
If we consider about the main key ingredient of this dendritic copper powder, then it is basically the copper metal itself. As we know the metal powder only consists of the metal element in it. Because we indeed say that this it is the specific powder of the specific metal. So, in case of this cooper powder, indeed the main ingredient or component of this powder would definitely be the copper metal itself. So, the key ingredient of dendritic copper powder is copper metal.
Further, if we also consider the method or process that is used for the production and synthesis of this dendritic copper powder, then that method is known as the electrodeposition method. This electrodeposition or also known as the electrolytic process is the main method that is used in order to produce high quality of atomized copper powder. Such a copper powder is also called by the name of electrolytic copper powder as well.
Indeed, at Kunshan Yosoar, we develop and manufacture dendritic copper powder for our customers. The electrolytic copper powder that we manufacture basically has high quality levels and further, it is free from all kinds of impurities. The copper powder that we manufacture is absolutely pure and if we consider this purity in term of percentage, then we can indeed say that the copper powder manufactured at Kunshan Yosoar is 99.7% pure.
Further, if we talk about the shape and structure at particles level of this copper powder, then the dendritic structure of the particles of this powder is very well maintained. This powder.that is manufactured at our labs has a very uniform structure throughout and dendritic structure is very well maintained in the powder form as well. Therefore, we indeed manufacture high quality and pure dendritic copper powder for our customers.
As already stated, that the dendritic copper powder that is manufactured in the labs of Kunshan Yosoar is absolutely pure and has a uniform particle structure as well. The copper powder being produced in our labs is 99.7% pure. This is indeed a high level or percentage of purity when compared to other manufactured powders. We make no compromise on the purity of our products. For the verification of the products purity, we have a team of professionals and experts. The main work and aim of this team is to verify and check each and every batch of copper powder or other products that is manufactured. This team of professionals check these batches for any kind of impurity. If they find an impurity in the batch, then the whole batch of that specific powder is rejected, and the batches that fulfill the purity levels of our company are passed.
Therefore, based on our highly professional team of experts, we are so much sure and confident about our products. We make sure that our products are absolutely pure so that our customers can utilize them in the best way without any kind of issue. We aim to provide the best services to our customers and our main aim is to gain the trust of our customer by providing them with the best available products and supplies that they could utilize in their relevant fields and industries.
If we talk about some of the characteristics and properties of this copper powder, then its main key feature is regarding to its low density. This electrolytic copper powder has an apparently low density and another aspect is related to its surface area. The copper powder having dendritic structures of the particles also has a relatively large or high surface area. Further, some of the other characteristics of this copper powder include its high purity and the high conductivity as well. Furthermore, the copper powder having dendritic structures also has a relatively good compatibility and sinterability as well.
Further, if we take into consideration the applications and usages of this specific copper powder based on the above-mentioned properties, then it is indeed widely used as a raw material in oil impregnated bearings and it also has applications in the sintered machinery parts as well. Further, this copper powder is also involved in the production of carbon brushes as well as some other friction products. So, these were some of the applications of copper powder based on the properties and characteristics that we discussed above.
If we take into consideration the synthesis of dendritic copper powder, then it is usually produced and manufactured using the mixture of an acid along with a copper sulfate. For the production of such kind of copper powder that will have dendritic structure of its particles, we make use of the acid and this acid is mostly sulfuric acid. This sulfuric acid is allowed to be mixed with copper sulfate and these serve as an electrolyte and this reaction is done with electrify. The next step usually occurs as these raw materials that were firstly used in the process change or turn into liquid. This conversion to liquid basically happens because of the melting of the raw materials and the melting actually takes place because of the high temperature that we have to provide. After this high amount of temperature that is provided to these raw materials, we observe that these materials change into liquid form. The next step is basically done in order to obtain the tiny particles of the powder. For this purpose, the molten liquid that we obtained through the heating is is usually undergone a gas or water blowing.
Ultimately, after completing the above-mentioned steps, what we obtain is the high quality of copper powder that will have dendritic structure throughout and will be absolutely pure and of high quality. The powder of copper that would be formed from the above-mentioned steps would usually have a low density along with excellent thermal as well as electrical conductivity and will have a uniform and throughout dendritic structure.
So, this was the most usual method or process that is used for the manufacturing of electrolytic copper powder.
The dendritic copper powder is also called as the electrolytic copper powder and this copper powder is different from other types of copper powders because of the structure of its particles. This copper powder has particles that have a more dendritic appearance and shape. Now, if we take into consideration the properties of this copper powder, then this electrolytic copper powder has definitely got excellent electrical as well as thermal properties. The electrical and thermal characteristics and properties that this powder have are indeed amazing and excellent. Further, based on these properties and characteristics, this electrolytic copper powder is also used in a large number of fields and industries. This copper powder because of these properties acts as a key ingredient in the electrical carbon products and has wide applications because of these properties and characteristics. Further, it is also applied for thermal spraying and welding purposes as well.
So, these were some of the applications of copper powder having dendritic structure of particles based on the excellent electrical and thermal characteristics of this powder.
If we talk about some of the physical properties and characteristics of this dendritic copper powder that is also called as the electrolytic copper powder, then firstly, we will discuss about its color. Mostly, the color of electrolytic copper powder is light rosy. Most of the times, this copper powder would have this very color. Further, discussing about the physical appearance of this copper powder, then as the name indicates that this is present in the form of a powder. Apart from this, one distinguishing characteristic or feature of this powder that distinguishes it from other powders is that the particles of this copper powder have a dendritic appearance and shape. Because of these dendritic particles, this copper powder is known as the dendritic copper powder. So, the overall particles structure in this powder is dendritic. Dendritic in terms of metallurgy simply means a structure that is kind of irregular but this irregular structure mostly resembles to that of a tree. So, this is the overall appearance of this electrolytic copper powder.
If we consider about the purity of the electrolytic copper powder that is manufactured and produced at Kunshan Yosoar, then it is approximately 99.7% pure. So, you wouldn’t have to worry about low quality products. At Kunshan Yosoar, our main aim is to provide our customers with the best high quality products and develop a trust with our customers.
Now, if we refer to the melting and boiling point of the dendritic or electrolytic copper powder, then this copper powder has got a melting point that approximately equals to 1083.4°V. This is the average melting point of this copper powder. Further, if we consider the boiling point of this powder, then it has a boiling point approximately equal to 2567°C.
So, this was the overall melting and boiling point trend of this copper powder having dendritic structures of its particles.
Well, if we consider about the chemical properties and aspects of this copper powder, then it would mainly include its molecular formula and weight as well as the melting and boiling points. Further, in chemical aspects we can discuss about the density and solubility of this powder as well. So, if we firstly consider the molecular formula of this powder, then the molecular formula is simply Cu. It depicts the presence of copper metal. Further, if we take a look at the molecular weight of this powder, then it has a molecular weight of about 63.55 g/mol. The melting point of this copper powder is approximately equal to 1083°C whereas the boiling point of this copper powder is approximately equal to 2567°C.
Now, if we refer to the specific gravity density of the particles of this copper powder, then it usually varies but if we consider some range values, then it usually ranges in between 1-1.8 g/cm³. So, this is the average density for this powder’s particles.
If we take a look at the solubility of the particles of this powder into the water, then the particles of this electrolytic copper powder are slightly soluble but only in hot water. If the water would be hot, then these particles of powder will slightly be soluble in that.
So, these were some of the basic chemical properties and aspects of the dendritic copper powder.
Dendritic copper powder has indeed got many applications. Its usage and applications are spread on a wide perspective or area. As already discussed, that this dendritic copper powder has some amazing and excellent properties and characteristics that make it very useful in some related fields and industries.
If we take a look at some of the fields and industries that make use of this dendritic copper powder, then these include the main metallurgical industries. This electrolytic copper powder has wide applications in metallurgical processes. Further, it is utilized in the carbon brushes manufacturing industries. This copper powder has also got antiseptic properties and because of this, it has got applications in the antiseptic packaging etc. as well. Furthermore, the particles of this copper powder are also utilized in diamond tooling processes as well. These are also used in the manufacturing and production of friction related products. Further, because of the excellent electrical and thermal properties, this dendritic copper powder is also used for the production of electrical carbon products as well.
As we do know that the dendritic copper powder has amazing and excellent properties and characteristics and because of these properties, the copper powder having dendritic structures of its particles has huge and vast number of applications. Apart from the above-mentioned usages and applications of this powder, it is also used in the manufacturing of friction materials and products. Further, it is also used in the metal injection molding processes as well. Similarly, the cold spraying and thermal spraying processes and methods also make use of this copper powder. It also has applications in the welding related fields and industries. So, these were some other applications and usages of dendritic copper powder based on their properties.
As far as the storage conditions of this dendritic copper powder are concerned, then its storage conditions require a cool and ventilated factory or warehouse. Further, more importantly, this dendritic copper powder should also be kept away from any kind of heat sources. It should not be placed near fire or some kind of chemicals. Especially, this dendritic copper powder should be kept away from oxidants, halogens and some acids. This is mainly because the chances of reaction increase readily. Furthermore, all the necessary conditions and requirements should be met when you store this dendritic copper powder. You should definitely have all the necessary equipments and measures that could be taken just in case if any mishap or accident occurs.
Further, if we refer to the precautions that an individual should take while handling this dendritic copper powder, then he should wear the safety equipment when working with this copper powder. Further, he should not inhale it intake this copper powder. If any such kind of accident occurs, them.he should immediately consult a physician.
So, these were some of the precautions that need to be taken while handling and storing the dendritic copper powder.